We have liftoff

I‘ll admit it: I’ve been the king of unfinished side projects.

It’s not a crown I wear proudly. My friend Steve can tell you about my plans to write about Wayne Williams and about my time in conversion therapy. Within in 1-2 years after I declared my intentions on each project, someone else beat me to it. (You know them as “Boy Erased” and “Atlanta Monster.”)

Recently renowned producer Rick Rubin pointed out that this isn’t an unusual occurrence. He argues that ideas are meant to come into the world at certain times, so it really all comes down to the vessel through which they’re going to arrive. Therefore, it might as well be you.

In my defense, it’s not an easy feat to pull off when you’re working a full-time gig. I think everyone knows that.

Still, I’m showing signs of improvement. My latest: a new podcast featuring oral histories from my hometown. I pulled together a modest website, rushed through some classes for Hindenburg Pro and started publishing.

You can find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Pandora. It’s a labor of love and definitely a work in progress.

Steve Jones